Highlighted in This Week’s Beehive Blog
- Free STI Testing
- Free Thanksgiving Meal at Heintz Center
- Book Buy Back
Campus will be closed Thursday, November 28, and Friday, November 29, for the Thanksgiving holiday.
Free Chlamydia and Gonorrhea tests in Student Health Services (Usual fee is $25 for both tests.) through the end of the semester.
A urine specimen is required for the tests. Call 507-285-7261 or visit MyHealth.全球赌博十大网站.edu to schedule your confidential appointment today!
Appointment times are limited! No walk-in appointments.
Symptoms of sexually transmitted infections (STIs) are rarely present. STIs can be transmitted even if you do not have symptoms. If you are at risk for a STI, you NEED to be tested.
Join Student Life for a FREE Thanksgiving feast filled with all your favorites: juicy turkey, creamy mashed potatoes and gravy, fresh veggies, and delicious desserts. Plus, we’ve got tasty vegetarian options too!
Don’t miss out on the fun, food, and festivities! See you there!
- Main Campus: November 26th, 11:30am-1pm. In the Hive (3rd Floor Cafeteria)
- Heintz Center: Nobember 27th, 11:30am-1pm. In the Heintz Center Commons
Be sure to mark your calendars, textbook sell back begins Monday, December 16; as it is only for one week! The 全球赌博十大网站 Bookstore hours are 8am-4:30pm. The last day for book buy back is Friday, December 20th.
Student ID Required for all transactions!
Visit the bookstore in person or its website if you have any questions or concerns.
- Get the schedule YOU want! Get the courses you NEED!
- Avoid wrong courses! Schedule an appointment with your academic advisor to review your degree plan.
- Handle any roadblocks early. Starting early gives you time to resolve any issues like holds or financial aid errors.
HOW DO I SCHEDULE AN APPOINTMENT WITH MY ADVISOR? Sign in to AdvisorVue an online web-based tool that makes scheduling appointments easy! Just log in with your STAR ID and password to see your advisor’s appointment times. Trouble signing in? Considering a new degree? Need to meet with a different pathway advisor? Contact the Advising Center at 507-285-7260.
Finals Preparation Tips:
- Manage Your Time: Use a calendar or planner to schedule your study times and write down your finals schedule.
- Review, Don’t Cram: Cramming often leads to poor results. Review your notes regularly instead.
- Sleep and Eat Well: Get at least seven hours of sleep and a good breakfast. Avoid acidic or greasy foods.
- Stay Calm: It’s normal to feel anxious about tests. Use that energy to focus.
- Be Confident: Visualize success to boost your confidence.
- Arrive on Time: Get to the classroom about five minutes before the test starts to avoid anxiety.
- Strategize: Look over the entire test first. Answer easier questions and high-point questions first. For essays, make an outline.
- Focus on Keywords: Pay attention to key terms in questions.
- Trust Your Answers: Only change an answer if you’re sure it’s wrong.
Immediate Preparation Steps:
- Three Days Before: Spend an hour reading through your notes. Don’t try to memorize, just read.
- Two Days Before: Review your notes slowly, highlighting important points and noting weak areas. Create a “master outline” of central themes and weak points.
- Night Before: Review your “master outline” and focus on weak areas. Write out answers to any study questions as practice.
Remember, everyone has their own way of preparing for exams. Find what works best for you!
For more tips, visit Snexplores.org.